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Smily is the weirdest, strangest, novelest, violentest, shannest "game" ever.
You start off with a cute innocent smily face, you know the type look above. The nice face starts talking and moving around its window. It says such things as
"Hello, were friends aren't we?"
"Kiss Kiss"
"Hmm, a buzz saw, what's that doing there"
"Boy I like you!"
"Hey! a flesh eating virus button, what are you doing looking at that?"
"If I had arms I would give you a nice big cuddle!"
"Wouldn't it be cute if I talked wiff a wittle wisp?"
Eventualy you get really annoyed, and start moving the mouse towards some buttons at the edge of the screen.
You may look over the hammer or the chainsaw buttons, even the cruise missile, and the buzzsaw, only a quick glance at the machine gun and the electric chair, until the mouse finally settles on the...
Ha-ha-ha boy you must be on the edge of your seat now!
One little mousy click, and up pops a blender. Another click and on goes the blender.
OOOh that must have hurt. Why has everything on the screen turned blood red? you ask yourself. Where has old Smily gone.
Yes folks he's just got blended up into Smily ketchup. Boy that was good, but with one click on the first aid button Wittle Wispy smily is back talking away.
Doesn't the lazer gun look tempting!!